Old 05-26-2010, 07:24 AM
Join Date: May 2010
Location: Deep in the Heart of Texas!
Posts: 57

All Texas quilters should check out the Compass Center in Mt. Calm, TX. (a google search wil take you there...sorry no link...) A BEAUTIFUL retreat location--set up especially for crafters/quilters! Every bunk has an original quilt on the bed! I don't know how far in advance you need to book, but my guild recently went, and they had a Ball! They even quilted in their jammies the last day..LOL! The food is all prepared and most exquisite...(no dish washing required!) and she even has a small quilt shop on site....how could you possible go wrong...rockers on the porch to relax when you want, and they hire a massage therapist to come in for hire--a real pampering get away...(especially for those Mom's with little kids at home!) No distractions...just lots of sewing, or napping, games were played, and a great time was had by all! This place is worth the drive!
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