Old 04-29-2007, 04:42 PM
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Susan S:
Thanks, I'm glad you liked my blocks. I love the top and it was a great way to use up scraps. Yes, it does make a difference in what fabrics are used as to what flower you come out with. I like the ones where the circle in the middle, the petals and the corners of the star are all the same print fabric. I blanket stitched/appliqued the center circle down but left the petals free as I tried one with the petals sewn down and none of my quilt buds or my husband and family like that block as well as the ones with the petals left loose. For the center circle I used the top of a Cool Whip container...about 5 inches across. The petals are half an oval shape. I cut ovals using a plastic storage bowl kinda sqeezed in the middle to make the oval... 4 3/4 inches long by 2 1/2 inches ACROSS THE CENTER OF THE OVAL so when you cut the oval in half you have 2 half ovals that measure about 2 1/2 inches across by 2 1/4 inches long. I used muslin on the back (with right side of the petal fabric facing right side of muslin) of each of these petals with a scant 1/4 inch seam allowance then turned the petals right side out and pressed them. I did the same thing with the center 5 inch circle.

Put the lined 5 inch circle on a 6 1/2 inch backing square of contrasting color and blanket stitch the circle down.

To make the 8 pointed star you can use any pattern for the 8 pointed star. I used 3 1/2 inch square corner squares in white then 6 1/2 inch rectangles in white with a 3 1/2 inch square the color or contrasting color of the center circle and petals on either end of the rectangle sewn from outside upper corner to center of rectangle right sides together. After making the diagnal sewn line cut the lower part of the half off the lower corner of the square over the rectangle and press the other half of the square down to make a full rectangle with the lower corner of the same fabric as the center circle...If you look at any quilt book it tells you how to make this rectangle with the squares block (looks like 2 half triangles but the center part if all one piece.

I made 30 blocks and put them together and it's big enough for a double bed . Add 6 inch sashing and binding and you have a quilt. Feathers
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