Thread: Quilting guilds
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Old 06-03-2010, 06:54 AM
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Keene, New Hampshire
Posts: 4,211

Originally Posted by betsy35
Do you belong to a guild? How much are your dues and how are they used? Is there a committee to make decisions or all members involved in decision making?
I belong to 3 quilds; all now charge $20/year
Dues are used in many ways, depending on the guild: programs, rental for meeting space, pay for newletter postage and printing (most now e-mail newsletter, but have to print for non-computer members), cards for members' loss, illness etc.
donations e.g. - the NE Quilt Museum.
Usually all members are not involved unless there's real contention over the decision. A committee or the Executive Board usually make the decisions.
Having been President of one of my Guilds for 6 yrs, let me tell you making decisions when there is controversy is a nightmare, requiring the skills of a negotiator and the patience of a saint.
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