Thread: Quilting guilds
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Old 06-03-2010, 07:17 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: North Texas
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I am in two guilds myself. They are both the same size average about 100 members. Dues are 25.00 a year. We use it for quilt shows, we have a guest speaker every month and they offer classes given by people like Trish who wrote the Turning Twenty books. It is worth it to me. We eat first, everyone brings something, then have a short meeting, have show and tell, have door prizes, the speaker and then hang around and visit. It is worth the friedships you get. We also have several Smaller Bees that come off it. We can't be in them all so we do what we want. I am in two so I can go to two retreats a year.LOL. My next one is in Mt Calm in August. They have a store inside too. waahoo.....can't wait.
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