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Old 06-03-2010, 09:06 AM
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Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Cedarville, Ohio
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Originally Posted by nursie76
Wow! I am sooo pleased. I picked up a new tool at the Lancaster Quilts show in March called "The Binding TooL" and just tried it out tonight. It works wonderfully. When I would do binding, I could never get the part where you finish and start to match up nicely and lay flat. It was always very obvious where that area was joined. With this tool, it was very easy and came out perfectly. The tool and demo by the Missouri Quilt Company can be seen here. (I would recommend watching the demo several times after you get the tool and before you do it for the first time.

Does anyone else have this handy dandy little darling and how do you like it. As quilting tools go, it wasn't that expensive.

This is an updated video without all the quilt show background noise.
Yes, I used to have the same problem with matching the ends of the binding. My tool is by Fons & Porter and it works beautifully. I love it. Wish I'd found it long ago.
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