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Old 06-03-2010, 10:14 AM
mrsmayf2007's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 65

Originally Posted by grammypatty7
Originally Posted by mrsmayf2007
I sew barefoot, or with socks. Believe it or not, I cannot wear shoes going up and down my stairs in the dark. I have to be able to feel the floor. Same with sewing, I have to feel the pedal or I end up messing up because I step harder than I should and take off too fast lol. Maybe I am just weird LOL :oops:
My husband teases me because I HAVE to remove my shoes to make the bed and especially when it's time to flip the mattress but for most things, the shoes are on. I do prefer to sew barefoot or with footies on depending on the outside temperature. We live in FL so most of the year, I only wear footies or am without socks.
I think my going up and down the stairs in the dark thing comes from tripping over my cat on the stairs at night. I was three days out of having an emergency appendectomy, and I started down the steps and felt fur under my foot and knocked me down the steps "OUCH"

:oops: but now I have this thing where I have to be able to feel the floor when walking up and down the steps *sigh* LOL :lol:
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