Thread: Enough Lurking
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Old 06-07-2008, 08:50 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: British Columbia
Posts: 2,302

Well, I'm no longer a guest on this site and am happy to call myself a member. I've been reading your posts for quite a while and recognize many kindred spirits among you. (my husband, who belongs to a bowyer site, calls it lurking)
It almost feels like I'm misrepresenting myself to say I am a quilter, but the arrival of grandchildren inspired me to take the advice of a friend and start sewing quilts. She was a master quilter and taught me well, then moved on and left me with boxes of quilting magazines and enough love of the craft to continue without her. Since then I've made quilts for each of my grandchildren (4) and a wedding quilt for my son.
All my piecing & quilting has been done by machine, but one day I hope to join the ranks of hand quilters as well. Since beginning to quilt, I have learned that my grandmother was a quilter, so I guess it's in my blood.
Already you have taught me much, and I'm looking forward to learning and sharing with you.
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