Old 05-05-2007, 12:41 AM
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Originally Posted by PatriceJ
"I Can't"
Acceptable Substitutes:
"I Haven't Learned How Yet"
"It doesn't speak to my soul. I'd rather [fill in the blank]. So leave me alone ... PLEASE." LOL

"I'm Dumb"
"I'm Stupid"
"I'm an Idiot"
all variations of that phrase
Acceptable Substitutes:
"I have a question."
"There is something I have decided I'd like to learn."

Add to the list, please. I am not stupid (i'm CRAZY. :shock: there's a difference), but i'm sure i didn't remember everything.
Back a long time ago, I use to think there was nothing I couldn't do, couldn't learn. Photography, screen printing, electronics, auto repair, hydraulics, computer repair, programming, Oceanographic sciences, industrial process control... you name it, I had done it. Then when I was 30 or so, my ex took up weaving. Such humility for this particular guy. The first thing I knew, deep down in my heart, not a chance in hades I would ever figure out how to thread a 8 harness 6 pedal loom for making some extremely complicated herringbone tweed fabric. Like my ex could.

And then there was differential equations and statistics. Passed the classes but I still have no clue.

Humility is a good thing to learn. Self knowledge of your capabilities is but the jumping off point of the rest of who you are. Don't ever be discouraged by the failures, celebrate the successes. Live your life as if it is the only one you have. It is.

tim in san jose
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