Thread: Quilting guilds
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Old 06-06-2010, 11:15 AM
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Originally Posted by Pat G
If you would like to view an amazing trunk show, these are the pictures from the Sally Collins trunk show that was done in April at my local guild. Her permission was given to put the pictures on our web site. It gives you a good idea about what you would see at a trunk show. I really love them because you get to hear what the artist thought when they were creating the quilt. Sometimes the stories that go with a quilt are amazing and really make me view a quilt differently then I normally would, which I enjoy

Holy buckets, Tiffany,
Those quilts make me feel like a real beginner. Such grand pcs. Thanks so much for the examples of Trunk Shows.
I was feeling quite intimidated but Sally sure knows how to put people at ease. And I searched and found a few mistakes, not many, but a few, which made me feel better. I don't know if I will ever be able to approach her level of precision but I know she sure has influenced the rest of my quilting journey!

Originally Posted by grandme26
I am a member of that guild and wish they would allow Eddie in. He and his wife gave a wonderful trunk show a couple of months ago. Might start a petition to men in. Men can quilt as will as women and in some cases even better.
Good for you! If it doesn't work, maybe you two can get together and be the founding members for a new guild. ;)

Originally Posted by penny doty
I have no money to belong to anything, or I would take a quilt class if I did. God bless. Penny
((((hugs)))) I remember those days. If you have a local guild, often you can attend without joining, though some do charge a fee for guests. None of my local guilds do but the one I belonged to in California used too and several others have mentioned their guilds do so it might be something you want to check into. Usually guilds have small bees and that's actually where I want to point you to. Bees are wonderful because ninety percent of the time they are free and it's a great way to learn. Plus, quilters are just amazing people (usually, there are a few duds out there) and I've made friends with some incredible people that I would never have met otherwise. I really do encourage you to give them a try.
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