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Old 06-06-2010, 11:16 AM
Join Date: Mar 2010
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Originally Posted by grammypatty7
Myth or Not??

You know that much of history today is being proclaimed as "never happened, made up, falsified, myth" and that includes the holocaust. Even though there is a lot of documentation in the form of film and photos plus eye witness accounts, there are a lot of people claiming this NEVER happened but our soldiers who went in and rescued these survivors know differently. Many have lost loved ones in our military who went in to do this rescue yet there is a large movement saying "it never happened."

I suspect there is truth to the story. Perhaps the quilts weren't used all over but I believe they were used in enough areas for so many to be believing it even though it's difficult to prove either way today. I've personally met survivors of the holocaust so I do know beyond a doubt it happened. We also know that there was a huge underground railroad system and I lived in an area in IL that had several of the homes that were used. I no long live there so am not in a position to go do some researching but the history in those areas have been well kept, remembered and treasured. There are efforts made to try and preserve those old homes.

Guess we'll each believe what we want to believe and that's ok especially since there appears to be no concrete proof either way but much of history has been handed down by story tellers all through time.
There is written proof in one of the Carolina's I can't remember which one that freedom quilts were used many times to help slaves to freedom.
I live in Clermont County Ohio which is across the Ohio River from KY. This is where many slaves pass through on their way to freedom. There is a map of the Freedom Trail and homes in my area have markers of being safe houses. Some of these homes have been in families for generations and the stories have been passed down. Freedom quilts were used along with other items to help escaped slaves. One such thing was a lamp in a certain window. There are conductors homes still standing in Batavia to Georgetown to New Richmond Ohio. I live in the middle of the freedon trail and am surrounded by history.

People could believe what they want to believe but there is too much research on my part to know that Underground RR/Freedom quilts were indeed used. If you question the existance of them then prehaps there should be the question of the civil war itself happening or for that matter anything else in history that we were not alive to see for ourself. I have been told my grandfather jumped ship in Canada from Poland to get to the USA, yet I did not witness that however I have to believe what I was told. The same goes for black americans who were told of how their family came to freedom. Many things on wikipedia are not always fact. Research with a google search freedom quilts or underground railroad quilts and there are oral histories on them and what each block meant. I have to believe that there were underground rr/freedom quilts during the mid 1800's how else could one explain that different slaves who could not read followed the same route and ended up in the same homes on their way to freedom. It could not have been my chance.
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