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Old 06-06-2010, 02:46 PM
Join Date: May 2008
Posts: 43

I have a garden also, really enjoy the fresh vegtables. I picked peas yesterday and had radish sandwich for supper last night with some of the fresh peas. In the garden there are Green beans, spinach, all kinds of lettuce, tomatoes, red Itialian peppers,summer squash, winter squash lots of other things also. WE have had lots of rain and has been hard to get some things in the ground.Keeping up will come next, it is kinda hard when it is time to put things up for canning or freezing and keep the weeds out also. About the middle of July I plant cauliflower and broccli seeds right in the ground and they will produce before the frost, not hardly any bugs on them then. Sometimes I plant peas again at that time also.
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