Old 06-09-2010, 03:05 AM
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Location: Gautier, MS
Posts: 39

Originally Posted by Lacelady

No, you can machine sew through the block, with the W&M behind it, no trouble. After all, that's how I have sewn the blocks together, and I am in the process of sewing the tris together the same way. I have also, in the past, machine quilted through a quilt top, with poly batting behind it, when I was doing some trapunto quilting. Again, no problems, my machine doesn't seem to chew anything up at all. You do have to bear in mind that you won't get all your quilting patterns on the back of the quilt doing it this way, but there will be a lot less weight involved until the final backing needs to be added. When that gets put on, at least you will only have straight lines to quilt in the ditch round each block.
Thanks so much for your help! I was worried about the machine chewing it up more than anything. I realize that it will only have the straight stitching. My thoughts are that the front should be enough to look at. ;)
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