Old 06-09-2010, 05:53 PM
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It makes me feel so much better reading this post. I have multiple chronic health disorders so I work slowly.
It makes me feel guilty.
Why? i do not know. Maybe bc ppl ask me what I've been sewing bc they don't realize that some ppl just can't sew all the time.
I am an empty nester but my hubby is disabled now, so underfoot sometimes, which hinders my creativity sometimes, plus he is spoiled! :wink: :lol:
I am on a project now, and going at it steady, but to someone healthy they would think, is that all you got done?
What can i say? it's not perfect, but it's satisfactory to me, and I can be a little fussy with my own stuff sometimes.
Sunnyhope, I should take my own advice and let's give ourselves a break, ok? I'll try if you will ;-)
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