Thread: Diet Experiment
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Old 06-10-2010, 11:34 AM
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"The truth is that nothing is wrong with losing weight rapidly -- as long you do it the right way," says Michael Dansinger, MD.

"You can safely lose 3 or more pounds a week at home with a healthy diet and lots of exercise," says weight loss counselor Katherine Tallmadge, RD.

Working out, eating right, and drinking water.

I lost 30 pounds one time in about week and a half but I can tell you now that it was'nt safely done, I was sick and was unable to eat or a sit for that matter.

Another time I lost 14 pounds in a week... but that was due to a change in my diet. I counted fat grams and sugar grams, like my doctor told me to, plus I drank a lot of water.

I'm doing this the right way, and 25 pounds is not as much as 50.

I also know what I personally need to stay away from... anything listed as sugar free... My body can not digest them properly. My doctor said that this is an allergic reaction to something that is in the food. Sort of like my weird allergy to sun screen. OR rather anything with an spf rating, I know spf is not what the allergy is with, but what ever is in it to give it that rating. I can handle chap stick with the rating and that is about it.

The first weight you lose IS water weight. I know that. The second week is usually the sabotage week since you probably will not see any results on the scale.

I've already spoken with my doctor about this as well and she says that this is safe.

And I'm not really a cr@p eater. I'm not a fan of chips at all unless I've got a taste for them, which is about once or twice a year. I prefer tortilla chips anyways. As for cake, I only eat that at birthday parties or celebrations with cake. We rarely have junk in the house. My downfall, of course, is Swiss Cake Rolls (or Ho Ho's depending on what product you buy) and my mom no longer buys them due to the one time I went way over board and was sick for two days. I haven't really had a taste for those in a long while.

We are cutting fast food out of our diet as well.

I happen to like chicken, baked. I also like turkey. I love to make ground turkey, turkey cutlets, and we only get a whole turkey at Thanksgiving.

My doctor is only allowing me to have 50 grams each of fat and sugar a day. Which means, natural foods are the best route. I will be eating more apples, oranges, bananas, mango's and other fruit. I'm not really a veggie person, I do like carrots, corn, and green beans. I despise spinach, I try every so often, and still don't like the taste, but I will eat it if mixed in with something or if in salad form.

I know it will be hard, but I have to do this. I'm tired of being this size and tired of having to go to specialty stores. Plus my health is my number one priority.

I would never replace a meal with just water. Thats not safe!

When I was in high school I carried around a big water bottle (can be bought at wal-mart). I did this due to being in choir and I had my voice to take care of, one of the reasons I never took up smoking, the other was I know the ramifications if I do, the toll nicotine takes on the body is horrible.

My friend dubbed the bottle, the "Pee-Much Bottle". I was in the bathroom all the time but my skin was clearer and my voice was not "tired". I stopped that after leaving high school, and now I must start taking care of myself again.

The quotes about are from here:

I didn't search it, I just happen to stumble across it when I was researching.
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