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Old 06-12-2010, 01:21 PM
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Join Date: Aug 2009
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Posts: 308

Originally Posted by Evie
This happen to anyone else? I love to sew. Once I get started I can on for hours, days, weeks on end until I hit the "wall." It's OK when that happens because I use the down time to catch up on my reading and other crafts or research patterns for my next project. I've been in the mood for sewing all week but have not been able to get to the sewing machine. I've been prepping two rooms for painting this weekend. It's hard work! With the long summer hours I've been just too tired at the end of the day to do any sewing and I'm going through withdrawal. :cry: Prepping is almost done, so maybe I'll be able to get in a few hours at the end of today and back to "normal" hours next week. Thanks for listening!
I am going through similiar. Had charilty quilting to do that had a deadline and tried to work on my own.. besides just life. Asked to teach a lesson at the last moment, help with a funeral etc. I got the charity quilts done and then I hit the wall too. I took this week off from quiting as I had so much "life" stuff to do. I just tore my store room apart and got it sorted and organized. Now on to the next room. Next week I hope to get back to some qulting. You just can't do it all . The hardest part is choosing between what you need, want, and should do. The shoulds can kill you as you feel obligated to do them but do they really need to be done. Anyone the balance is the challange. Take a break even if it is just a bubble bath., vent all you like you have the right and most of all be good to yourself.
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