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Old 06-13-2010, 05:49 AM
qltldy4's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Oklahoma
Posts: 76

I agree I hate to give a quilt away for fear someone might think they could have bought one done better. My husband and kids all say they are perfect. But it wasn't till
my last grandson came along (I have 9 now) that I realized I really don't care, they love them he came to me when I was complaining to his mother that one didn't turn out as well as I wanted, and he patted my cheek and said Nana you did a good job, it's beautiful and I love it cuz you made it for me, so that makes it perfect. That made me realize nobody else really cares what mistakes are in them they, just want one or they wouldn't ask for them, or be hurt if they didn't get one. (That one wasn't for him but he got it anyway) just for being perfect.
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