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Old 06-13-2010, 02:58 PM
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I know, I'm bad about that. Somehow between school getting out, vacation, laundry, the Carol Doak thing, more laundry, dd's swim lessons, her party at church last night that I had to bake for, BOM meetings, paint club meetings, and Strips & Sraps club tomorrow seems like I can't get caught up on my rest enough to work on posting pix. I haven't even got them off the camera yet! Usually right after vacation I print my pix and down load them. Not this time, I must be getting old. I have gotten all 230 (approx) yards of fabric that I bought on vacation washed, dryed, folded and carried upstairs. Right now I'm making spaghetti then I have to get ready for my meeting tomorrow. Every year when school lets out it takes me awhile to adjust. This year's been worse than normal.
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