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Old 06-13-2010, 04:18 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Houston
Posts: 134

I would like to introduce myself since I do not think I have done so before now. I have been married for 45 years, I have 3 grown children and 3 precious grandchildren that are almost grown 2 that think they are already grown (teenagers) if you know what I mean.

I fell in love with quilt making about 6 months ago and since I found the Quilting Board have more enthusiasm then ever to learn to make beautiful quilts like I have seen done by all the board members.

I started making quilts totally the wrong way and have l
learned so much just from being a member of the board. Now that I know where to go if I run into a problem or if I have a question I feel more secure that I can one day make as beautiful a quilt as all of you, ( I hope anyway) if not I m going to have fun trying.

I would like to thank all the members for their thoughts and prayers regarding medical problems that my husband and my daughter have been going through.

My daughter has been in the hospital more this year then she has been home and was re-admitted to the hospital last week from on going infections she has had. My daughter was paralyzed when she was 16 and has managed to have a fairly normal happy life with a few set backs now and then until she broke her leg 2 days before New Years this past year. Her life seems to have gone down hill since then, not so much from the broken leg but other medical problems she has developed. We are hoping and praying that these new problems will be able resolved very soon with the right antibiotics but she still has 2 other problems that have to be taken care of and have her back home again soon. My daughter was released from the hospitial last week only to have to be re-admitted last Friday.

My husband was just released from the hospital last Monday after spending 4 weeks in the hospital with Double Pheumonia and was already living with problems from COPD & Emphysema. He is doing much better now and I am very glad to have him back home.

Well enough for now I will be in touch soon and so glad to be aboard.
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