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Old 06-14-2010, 10:32 AM
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Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Ohio, just east of Toledo
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Yes. Some of my stash that was $1 a yd came from Walmart. I pride myself in being able to make anything look fabulous

Non fabric, though I'm sure I bought fabric while there, my sailor son was home for a bit and had his dress whites on (the summer uniform) The past few years the people at the registers kind of know me by site, and as my son and I were leaving, they clapped!
Walmart employees are just regular good people.

I like going to the fabric department because I've gotten to know the gal that cuts fabric and I credit her with my best Walmart story: Seems she had a lady come in, over the age of 75 probably, who bought a bunch of fur. Just making chit chat she asked her what she was going to do with it, she was getting the whole roll. She told her that her husband just got his implant and she was going to cover the bedroom floor with the fur and tryout the implant!

Like I said, Walmart employees, and customers I guess, are just regular people, at least around here
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