Thread: BABIES!!
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Old 06-14-2010, 07:24 PM
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: In the middle of a mess...
Posts: 20,025

I'm back home with all my babies.
They love their new crib and toys that grandma got for them.
They sure are a handful, but Lauren is enjoying having the help.
Sunday, we went up to Quantico to visit with Donny for the day. He was just beaming with his babies...ok, with Lauren too. lol
Yes, the tub is a bit small for Little D, but Lauren always overfills it. Plus, they like to sit high in it and now down low like they are supposed to. We are trying to get them to sit up, it's going slow. Going to get those seat things to help them, BUT...neither one likes to sit much. Little D would rather stand and jump around, so he is mainly in this sitting/standing toy thing that he can turn himself around in and Olivia LOVES to lay on the floor or swing in her little swing.
I'll try to get a few more pictures posted this week. Can't promise. Really, REALLY busy trying to finish the unpacking, especially my sewing room.
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