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Old 06-15-2010, 04:33 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: york county, PA
Posts: 940

ginnie6: I believe I am your sister! I put off calling for my yearly check-up with the ob/gyn till yesterday, and I only did it then because I'm going to my regular doctor today and I know she'll ask if I had my check-up there yet. And I hate going to my doctor! I can go in there feeling pretty durn good and come out of there with a couple prescriptions. And my BP isn't high for anyone else but her!
And when my dentist retired! Oh my! To find another dentist and actually go. I was a nervous wreck, thinking the new one would find something hugely wrong with my teeth that would cost me an arm and a leg! (I didn't realize how inexpensive my old dentist was - he was practicing by himself with his daughter as secretary/receptionist.) But the new dentist said I had excellent teeth! Relief!
Good luck - I feel for you - J
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