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Old 06-16-2010, 03:52 PM
Simple Pleasure
Join Date: Apr 2010
Posts: 37

Originally Posted by lab fairy
I am the epitomy of reverse quilting. I like my stuff the be as accurate as possible (it's my quirk and I live with it). I'm not happy unless I have about 10 stitches per inch and even. I was taught to handquilt by master handquilters. I married a Mennonite (those women can quilt). My Mother-in-law thought I needed to know 3 important things, how to bake zweibachs, peppernuts and hand quilt. I'm pretty much a bust on the first two because stoves are not my friend, but I learned to hand quilt. I'm probably her biggest source of amusement because I am so slow. She can still whip those quilts out at 89 and her stitches are awesome. I'll never be that good. Until then, I'll stitch, restitch, stitch...
Many years ago, I attend a quilt show in NYC that featured Amish quilters...they had a large frame set up and chatted amongst themselves and the visiting quilters as they worked...their needles literally flew across that top. I asked if they ever "unquilted"(I had such issues back then, too!)...the consensus was "No, we make each stitch the best it can be and don't redo..."
Busy Hands...Happy Heart
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