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Old 06-16-2010, 06:11 PM
Simple Pleasure
Join Date: Apr 2010
Posts: 37

Originally Posted by lab fairy
PatriceJ, you met a group of very GOOD quilters. Don't let anyone fool you. I know some great quilters (Amish, Mennonite, Holderman, Quaker, etc. and they all started somewhere and unstitched their fair share. The group you met at that time were probably at the skill level that didn't need to undo work anymore.) We used to meet at the church to make quilts to auction off for the world relief charity sales. Some of the older women (and newer quilters) would come, chat and stitch. Everyone enjoyed the experience and no one would say anything. After those particular people left for the day, the experienced quilters would check their work, smile, and start undoing stitches. We would undo a lot of quilting and restitch. No one ever said a word to about it to the original stitcher either. It was the thought and love that counted more than the poor stitching.
Thank you so much for share this...I can at least dream about becoming part of "other" group!!!!
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