Thread: "Weigh In"
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Old 06-17-2010, 03:29 PM
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Originally Posted by Woodster
I'm in. I started on May 24th and am down 11 lbs. I had to go to Costco today - OMG. They had samples on every other aisle!! Cream puffs, coffee milkshakes, skinny cows, fruit juice, chicken sandwiches, salmon patty sandwiches (both of which were on bread I can't eat anymore). My daughter was having a great time noshing while I gripped the cart handle tighter! I didn't cave! Came home and had a salad for lunch after taking her to Jack-in-the-Box drive through. Who said life was going to be easy, anyhow?
Way to go Woodster!! I have to do the same thing. I was just telling a friend today that when I see a piece of cake the numbers 300 just popped into my head and I think does that 3x3 inch piece of cake worth 25% of my total caloric intake for today?? I have to say that it is much easier for me to pass it up that way.

But then there are things like brownies that are made with black beans and are absolutely yummy (you cannot even taste the beans if you use a food processor to mix them with) that have protein and fiber in them that are not in the regular box mixes. So, I make a batch of those cut them into 1" squares separate them on a cookie sheet then pop them in the freezer. Once frozen put them in a baggie and when I get that craving I can pop one of those in my mouth and chew real slow or even take lots of little bites to savor the flavor and oh my goodness does that do the trick. My surgeon was the one to suggest that to me.

I hope maybe someone else can enjoy brownies that way too or other things for that matter. I am just trying to share some of the things I am doing.

Oh, btw, I am at 20 pounds lost now. Woohoo!

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