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Old 06-17-2010, 03:58 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Northern Illinois
Posts: 351

I just got back from a wake for another friend who died of
cancer and was feeling really down. Saw a box on my stoop
and SURPRISE, it was from my Angelina. WOW Angelina do you
own your own fabric store?? Inside was 47 fat quarters of all
kinds of fabric, amethyst earrings, fiskars rotary cutter (how
did you know I needed a new one?), a recipes from quilters
booklet in post card style - some look really yummy. In fact
tomorrow I'm gonna try the beef recipe for dinner. There was
a July 4th package in there too. She wrote a note saying I
could go ahead an open it, so guess what, I did. More fat
quarters (13 of them), a wrist pincushion and extra blades
for the rotary cutter. Sure made my day better. Thank you,
thank you, thank you. Hugs to you too.
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