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Old 06-18-2010, 03:44 AM
Pam B
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: central Indiana
Posts: 1,166

Boy, I am right there with you venting about people who do not take care of their pets and then either abuse or abandon them! There is truly nothing that makes me angrier! We live on a farm just outside town limits and people are always dumping unwanted animals.

One time we had a beautiful spaniel type dog show up in the middle of winter...he definitely had belonged to someone because his grooming had been kept up. Of course, we fed him and tried to find his owner. Well, I came home one day from school to discover he AND our dog (our beautiful Border Collie who always stayed at home) were both gone! DH was on a business trip so I looked everywhere for them...we live on 160 acres with several outbuildings. I checked with all the neighbors. I called the town's dog catcher who told me he had a black and white dog but it was a female. Long story short...4 days later, I had a phone call and our dog was in 'doggy jail' at the county animal shelter 20 miles away. He had been sent there by our town's dog catcher who obviously needed a lesson on the difference between a male and a female dog. I immediately left school and headed there to get my dog...and when I got there, I was chastised by a worker for allowing my dog to stray. Now, mind you, our dog had never gone anywhere until this dog was 'dumped' at our house! Now, we have the wireless fencing and our dog cannot go...but we still get dogs/cats dumped all the time. We feed the cats at the barn and they come and go. Any dog who gets dumped, we call the animal shelter. Our dog is 'expensive' enough to take care of; just because we have farm ground does not mean we want to provide for all the unwanted animals, also.
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