Old 06-18-2010, 04:27 AM
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Originally Posted by sewcrafty

Just for your info. No1Jan and me are meeting norbana to facilitate this and the 3 of us have been in contact with each other frequently about where to meet, arrangements and what is going to be in the best interest of everyone in this swap. This is a HUGE undertaking for one individual to do.

Life has a way of putting hiccups in everyones lives and I'm not personally going to exclude someone because of life. This type of swap IMHO is not going to happen very often and want to absolutely make the most of it, as I'm sure most doing this swap wants.
I'm delighted to hear that norbana is going to have help with sorting all these blocks!
Thank you all three of you for undertaking this big project.
I have no objections to waiting for my blocks but I would hate to wait for people who don't seem to be still with us who have shown by their actions or non actions that they are no longer here.
If people have posted that their blocks are in the mail of course we should wait for their blocks as long as the hostess and helpers can manage that. You all have a life and other responsibilities so it's up to you all to set the end date, not those of us who have no idea what's happening in your life. I'm sure it's difficult just getting a date you three can meet.
I'm sorry if my post offended you but I think new swappers should be aware that they will not get as many blocks as they think and they can plan accordingly. In my mind I have a plan for 172 blocks, 144 blocks and 96 blocks and a few in between!
I hope all of the 172 now on the list send in their blocks.
Thank you very much for offering to help. I would be there if I could!
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