Old 06-18-2010, 11:52 AM
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Originally Posted by gail-r
I'm a bit overwhelmed, he now has type 2 diabetes plus some heart concerns so he really needs to be on a heart healthy diabetic diet. I'm trying to learn to count carbs but trying to figure out a weeks worth of meals and snacks is making me slightly crazier than usual.

The big problem is trying to give him a variety and control portion size. I'm going to eat when and whatever he eats so that helps with the portion size, I just make less and he knows he has to share.

He has always been a meat, potatoes and gravy, kind of guy. And if the meat and potatoes were fried then it was even better. So, trying to change is going to be difficult especially if I can't give him an interesting variety.

Any help, advise or receipes would be appreciated.

Hugs, Gail
Theres not much to change. My mom has type 2 and has heart issues... And we really didn't have to changer her diet... The same with my Grandfather.

With this though, you HAVE to do trial and error... what raises one persons blood sugar doesn't mean it will affect some one elses.

Ex. Rice raises my grandfathers blood sugar... but has no major effect on my mom.

Another piece of advice is... if you can fry it... you can bake it! Baking food is healthier than frying the food. Great foods to do this with are roasts, chicken and pork... if you need to make steak stick it in a broiler or find a recipe to bake it. Crock Pots are also great for things like this too!

When it comes to items laden with sugars, DO NOT DENY HIM! To a point of course... Think moderation... if the package says "Serving size 1 piece" then only 1 piece!

You have to find the right mix of veggies too... Corn and Peas are great... but you can't give them that all the time... they are a starch, along with rice and potatoes. Like I said, trial and error are a must. This way you will find out the right combinations right for your husband.
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