Thread: FYI - Walmart
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Old 06-21-2010, 03:00 PM
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Join Date: Nov 2006
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well, because i love you guys so much, i made the ultimate sacrifice to research. i wandered over to my local wm fab dept a little while ago.

truth up front: there's nothing scientific about my determinations. they based entirely on the World Famous PatriceJ Snooty Scale. (trademark, patent, and copyright registration pending. but i don't worry. it's all in my head. anybody brave enough to go wandering around in there to copy it is crazier than me. :lol: )

i'd pass on most of the precuts. the batiks are priced appropriately, but most of the other precuts add up to around $5 per yard. for that you can find a wider selection online and get the number of yards you want. even with shipping you will either spend the same or less. chances are, the fabrics you get will be a bit thickier. (i'm soooooooo sick of the word "quality" at this point i hate to even type it. :lol: )

the fat quarters are priced about right given the prices being charged everywhere else. a year ago, i'd have said walk on by. select very carefully, though. some are priced accurately at the per/yard rate of $4. at least half of them are worth $2 PY tops.

i did notice some very interesting developments among the on-the-bolt racks. some of the newer items are printed on a very different material. a bit shoppish, if i do say so myself. not LQShoppish, but i wouldn't be surprised to find them at either J or H for $7 to $8 per yard. they are selling for just under $3.

at anywhere between $3 and $4 per yard it's a value. $5 at the outside, depending on the cost of living in your shopping area.

again ... because i am such a good friend, i forced myself to buy a bit. after i've tortured it in the prewash and dryer i'll let you know whether or not it held up as i think it will.

more pretty fabric for my stash. the things i do for you people.

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