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Old 06-22-2010, 05:56 AM
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Join Date: May 2010
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Originally Posted by raptureready
You're right, winning something is always exciting.
Maybe you could sell it and buy a design board. Actually you can make one pretty cheaply. Get one of those folding cardboard cutting mats that are used for clothing patterns, two regular but long curtain rods, some flannel and some large binder clips. Just open the cardboard, stretch the flannel onto it, clip it to the curtain rods and voila!!! It can be taken apart and stored when you aren't using it or moved easily because it's light weight.
Great idea to make the design board!! I've been trying to figure out an easy way to make one that won't involve getting a man to help me. I'm pretty handy.... to a point!

I will definitely give this a try.

As to the big board. If my daughter doesn't want it I'm going to give it to my BFF. She has been a fantastic friend to me and has always done so much for me. I'm hoping Kelsey doesn't want it but I feel I need to ask her first.
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