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Old 06-22-2010, 03:52 PM
Ramona Byrd
Super Member
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Merced, CA
Posts: 4,188

One lovely good deed that I'll always remember was
about 45 or 46 years ago. I was a single mother with
4 and 5 year old daughters, and for some reason I had
to take them to Texas from California to see their grand
parents. In Southern CA my old car broke down at dusk,
and the only one who would stop was an old black man.
I didn't know him and refused his offer of a lift. So this
kind gentleman went home and brought back his wife.
An experienced mother, she herded me home with my
kids, fed us and her husband fixed my car and drove it
back to their home. She even gave me a big covered
dish of stew (it was delicious) and sent us on our way.
Some how I lost their address, but since they refused
payment, I've always done what they asked. They
said that when I got to where I could help others, to
do the same to other black folks, and tell them to help
other white folks. I've done that several times over the
years, and still bless the memory of that old couple.
I've always felt bad that I never could send them at least
a card for their kindness.
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