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Old 06-23-2010, 04:27 AM
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Originally Posted by Maride
You made me smile big time. Thanks so much. I don't know you, but I am so proud of you.

Last weekend we went to a car/craft show. He promised we would go to the craft show part after. I dragged around the cars for what seemed hours. By the time we made it to the crafts the wind was blowing so hard they were packing up. Sorry, but the next time we split.
He paid for it. Yesterday I had started packing and he went to a Dr's appointment. On his way back he stopped at a pawn shop and picked this up for me. I had posted it before when we saw it at the window. It was for sale for $10 and he got it for $5. The only problem, it weighs about 50 pounds. The light turns on but the motor doesn't work. He said after we move he will clean it and try to fix it for me. I need another machine like I need a hole on the head, but maybe I do need a hole on the head.
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