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Old 06-23-2010, 06:40 AM
Sue Fish
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Connecticut shoreline
Posts: 2,024

I have a 23 x 28' room in the basement that is a walk out and I have my sewing and crafting set up in there and that is where my quilt group meets also. I have a couple of closets in there too and although it is not fancy at all is pleasant and I have lots of room...I have about 8 gals that meet each wk at my house for group..we used to quilt more but now it seems it is more portable for them to bring knitting or embroidery etc.
I have a big walk up attic that is ideal for storing batting and stuffing etc so that works well..
It is just dh and I so I have all the room I can possibly use and more than enough to clean lol
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