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Old 06-23-2010, 04:38 PM
Carol W
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Originally Posted by ckcowl
so, you wanted to see fleece socks, here comes a pic, this is one of the first pair i made and the only pair i managed to keep...everyone always wants them :)

Originally Posted by dyer804
I would love to make Christmas gifts for my family and do for the few females on my list, but I have two sons, as well as nephews, and great nephews ranging in age from 7 to 45. In fact, most of the people I need gifts for are male! What is something they would appreciate and use? I hate to waste my time making something that ends up in a closet, unused. I would rather buy something they might use (or at least return for something they might use!) than have my efforts go to waste. I would appreciate suggestions of gifts you have made for males that have been well received. I quilt, sew, cross stitch, and crochet, as well as bake! Are we gals just easier to please?
:-D :-D :-D

Do you have a pattern for them?
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