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Old 06-23-2010, 04:40 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Northern Minnesota
Posts: 201

How do you make fleece socks. Do you have a patteren???
We are in a very cold area so I would love to make some.

Originally Posted by ckcowl
all of the guys in my world were the first to request quilts. and they all love them. i like making guy quilts...the young guys received game quilts or sport quilts, the older guys outdoorsy stuff, they show them off use them all the time...and let me know when another one would be nice :)
one year i made them all quilted outdoor vests
and when i started making everyone fleece socks (which sell in lands end catalogs for $18-$24 a pair) not only did everyone love them but a couple of the guys asked if i would make them 6 more pair...they wanted a pair for every day of the week ;)
of course, if you live in a warm climate they probably don't want fleece socks
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