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Old 06-25-2010, 05:46 AM
Power Poster
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Northern Michigan
Posts: 12,861

so, we have had some good response to least i have :)
and i went in the sewing room last night after hearing from a few of you to look through some of my ufo's...and you know, sometimes looking with (fresh eyes) sometimes does make a difference! there were a few blocks i pulled out and thought...ya know, it doesn't have to turn into a quilt...those would make nice table runners :)
then i really got serious...will i actually make a table runner out of them? probably not...they have been in that box, moved from place to place for years...i don't even like that fabric anymore...boy, why the heck did i ever do that...oh ya, learning a new technique...didn't like the technique, now i have (practice) blocks living in, i am now being ruthless (but i did pull out 3 that i'm inspired to finish now!!! the others...well they are no longer going to be orphans, they are going to be adopted by someone who will see them with new eyes :) i have heard from 3 of you who have requested and will receive...the underground railroad is gone now ( i am so happy about that!!!) and i have ziplocks of swap blocks...i participate in swaps but very seldom actually do anything with those blocks...i usually do them just to be able to make the necessary, i'm going to send some of those away too...most of this is years old!!(not hundreds, but 4-7, don't want you to think you will be getting antiques:))
so, anyway, i think over the weekend i will try to organize what i still want to pass on and snap some pictures so some of you may pick and choose....some random blocks...swap blocks ect will go to the person who wrote about the new guild. i am trying to (WEED) so, really am not interested in receiving a different ufo, or scraps, or anything like that. if you are able and can afford to reimburse postage that is always appreciated (especially by my dh) but don't worry about it if it causes hardship, other than that Pictures of completed projects would be wonderful and if i send you something that even you can not figure out what to do with, please just pass it on...sooner or later someone will know what to do with it. once i start mailing these out i will start a new topic for everyone to start sharing with all of us the ufo's you adopt and what you did with them ;)I am a big believer in PAY IT FORWARD...
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