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Old 06-25-2010, 04:08 PM
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Bikini Bottom
Posts: 5,652

I know this thread is like beating a dead horse because its more than likely been asked several hundred times, BUT I am biting the bullet and buying a Long Arm.

You know me I am not in all this fancy smancy new fangled sewing apparatuses, but I am seeing a need that needs to be filled so to speak.

The use of the machine will be personal but if I can do it for others and make a buck I will. I would like for one to be CNC capable so I can create the design on the computer and then hit a button and watch it go. Whether I purchase that option or not, I want the company to offer something like that. And space is not an issue.

So what are your opinions and recommendations.

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