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Old 06-25-2010, 09:39 PM
bronnyb's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Frankston, Victoria, Australia
Posts: 97

I took my pinetree quilt top to two patchwork shops today for show and tell.
The first shop have only recently begun to thaw towards me, as they can see that I've fallen into the dark side from cross-stitching and that I've become a bit of a fabric junkie. The ladies in the class gave me lots of praise and asked lots of questions - it felt good to be in a group of like-minded people.
I then went to another shop, staffed by two lovely ladies who always greet me by name, even though it's been 4-6months since my last visit. One of the ladies was so enthused, she did a great sales job and started dragging out bolts of fabric to help me chose a border design. The owner was busy with other customers (it's their 3rd birthday and are having a sale - wish I had more money to spend on more fabric!), but eventually came over to offer her opinion and advice.
We settled on two different fabrics for the frame and border of the treetops and while the sale was on, I was persuaded to put the fabric I need on lay-by. The plan and cutting requirements have been written out for me and put with the fabric, so that it's all there when paid for and i'm ready to cut and stitch the rest of the top. The treetops measure about 60 inches already, and there is to be a further border of 12" all around - so it's going to fit nicely on the bed as hubby wants.
I'm getting excited as I now have fabric choices made, even though the fabric is not in my's that little step closer....

in the meantime I can stitch and sew other
thanks for sharing my fun!
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