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Old 06-23-2008, 09:05 AM
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I started a quilting class at our church with the help of my good friend, Janice, in February of this year. She had told me about a children's hospice in Southern Calif. that she and another of her friend's had recently made a few quilts for. I had been wanting to teach quilting but didn't know how to go about it, so when I heard about this hospice, the wheels in my head started turning. I had a sign-up sheet in the foyer and a flier put in the church bulletin inviting anyone who wanted to learn to quilt to sign up. About 25 people signed up but our class ended up consisting of 12 ladies and 3 children, ages , 7, 9 & 10. The only catch was that anyone taking this class would have to donate their first quilt to the hospice. Most of these people had to go out and buy a sewing machine and didn't know the first thing about sewing. But, I must say that I'm very proud of this group. The quilts turned out beautifully and were displayed in our sanctuary on April 27th and on May 7th they were delivered to the hospice. We've since received a few photos of the the children who received them. I can't tell you what a blessing it is to be able to do something for these families who are in the midst of such difficult times. I encourage everyone to get involved and show the families that are hurting that there are people who care about what they are going through. We started a new class on June 7th, which will meet once a month. Our projected delivery is the 1st week in September. The class being taught this time is the LOG CABIN. By the way, the 7 year old taking the class is my grand-daughter, Maya, I can't tell you how proud I am of her. Oops, almost forgot, we delivered 19 quilts to the hospice.
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