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Old 06-28-2010, 04:05 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 543

Today children who are able to be with a stay at home mom or grandmother, or family friend are so blessed. They are able to have that one on one relationship and get incorporated into every day activities that keep a household/family functioning. Then sometimes they even get to enjoy some extra activities such as quilting. My love of sewing/quilting, needle work, (even gardening), etc. is a result of being in a household with extended family with soooo many interests. The memories of my grandparents taking me to see roses that had bloomed, all the women in the house working on aprons, my mother and my aunts exchanging quilt paterns, saving feed sacks for dresse, these are the staility in my life thru what ever happens in the world. My prayer for this child is that he will have a lot more time with you in your sewing room. A very close family friend was a surgeon with a reputation for his neat stitches in closing the surgical site. Being raised in a family with no sisters, he had helped his mother quilt. Little did she know what a wonderful skill she was passing on to her son.
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