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Old 06-28-2010, 03:18 PM
Luv Quilts and Cats
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What a riot! My Dad and I laughed at the photo of your Chihauha (sp?) I love the puppy! He'll grow into those feet! The first kitten I have had looked like Yoda. He had huge ears and a small head. His forhead would wrinkle everytime he was curious! The first time I brough him to the vet, the vet laughed when he saw him. This being my first cat, I said "What's so funny?" He chuckled and said "Look those big ears, and those big feet! He's going to grow into them and be one big cat!" And he was! To this day, even though Mickey has been gone for over 5 years, when I go to the vet, my vet and the techs still talk about Mickey. Hope you have as much pleasure from your puppy as I did with Mickey. And give your little dog lots of hugs and kisses. He nose is out of joint right now.
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