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Old 06-29-2010, 10:12 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Baileys Prairie, Texas
Posts: 294

Well, I committed to the re-org of my sewing room yesterday.
I will have 4 sewing stations ready to go. I settled on an
"L' shaped arrangement. I am putting a formica counter along the back wall (about 12')and rt. turn along the front side of the room up to the window. It will be supported by 4 Box cabinets with one adjustable shelf in each box cabinet. I'll be able to store the machines I don't use regularly there. I found a cabinet maker between jobs who is going to build the cabinets and furnish the counter top and install it all for %520.00. Since my husband is an owner-operator and travels the 48 states getting him to get this done is about impossible. I just sang "Happy Anniversary" and gave him the good news!!! Now to get the room emptied so that he can get it installed. The cabinet maker told me he would have it ready by next Wednesday. I have spent all morning moving boxes of fabric out of the room into my dining room. My wonderful sons in law will be here on the 4th with the mob of grandchildren and I hope they will move the furniture out. I cant't wait to see how well it does. I bought a drop leaf table at an antique auction to use as a cutting table, and I already made my new big board and life will be good!
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