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Old 06-29-2010, 12:12 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Livonia, MI near Detroit
Posts: 627

I had been in pain with my knee for years before I had the first one replaced. My right knee was done in '03 and the left in '06. The first dr. kept saying I was "too young", I was 50 but could no longer walk on it without severe pain. I was using a walker. I ended up with a doc that specilizes in knee replacements here in MI (Rochester) and am so thankful. I had the surgery on Monday and was walking without crutches or any aides on Saturday. Less than two years later, it was bone on bone on the left knee and the same doc replaced that one. Again, I was walking w/o crutches within a week. I am able to do everything and more than I did before the surgery, including kneeling on them. I couldn't do that before the surgery. I have 115 degrees range of motion on both knees and am thankful every day for the doc that would do the surgery before I was 60. I was told that these knees will last for 20-25 years. I am of the opinion that I did better because I was younger and had not lost too much of the leg muscles prior to the replacements. On the left one, I did have PT prior to the surgery and had a machine after both surgeries that kept the knee moving when I was in it. Both times, I had at least 90 degrees of motion before I left the hospital. Just make sure the docs have done LOTS of knee replacements. All my best wishes and prayers go with you and your daughter. In my opinion, she will won't be sorry she had it done. It changed the quality of my life so much for the better. Good luck.
Wendy B
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