Old 06-30-2010, 04:10 PM
Rural City Girl
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Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Washington Inland Empire
Posts: 94

Originally Posted by craftybear
Hi Everyone,

I am in one of those cleaning moods so I have been busy cleaning house (getting rid of things that I don't want), today I worked in the kitchen cabinets and dusted them out and got rid of food that had expired

yesterday I cleaned the bathrooms, bathroom closet and got rid of some old night gowns (why am I still wearing those) ha ha

Also found some medicine that is out of date so out it went, wow, the bath is all done (sure looks nice)

I worked on the small bathroom and got the rugs washed today

I went to bed at 9:00 pm last night was exhausted (woke up at 1:00 am. and cleaned and organized the 2 craft rooms, decided to take the John Deere fabric off of the bolt, so I used my big ruler to re wind it sure saves space that way

(so hubby burnt the cardboard sleeves this am for me)

I have been very busy and just cleaning, pitching and burning boxes, etc.

Tomorrow I hope to get our sunporch done! as I started it today

Also been going thru my clothes, and ones that are old and nasty out the door and donating the other clothes to a local nursing home (I took clothes to them last Christmas, old shavers etc. and they liked the things) I received a thank you note from the office manager of that nursing home

Several weeks later I took 3 more bags of clothes, shoes, purses and she told me she wished more people would donate things to the nursing homes
Okay...I declare you the winner :) :) :)
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