Old 06-30-2010, 09:01 PM
Google Goddess
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Central Indiana (USA)
Posts: 30,181

Awesome, it is now July 1st what are you working on today????

Originally Posted by Diannia
I work full-time, have started a quilting/prayer ministry at church, am co-chair of the fellowship committee at church w/my hubby, and have my youngest son and his two daughters living with us (ages 4 & 2). Needless to say my days are usually pretty full. I try to keep up on everything and hire a teenager to come twice a month to help with the mopping, cleaning tubs, etc. This year I'm taking 1 month off from work to stay home and do what I WANT TO DO! I've started a list and so far I plan on deep cleaning the shower and tub, sorting and putting away things throughout the house (like little girl hair "stuff"), floating in the pool, reading, and LOTS OF QUILTING TIME! I recently bought the fabric to make us a king-sized quilt for our bed and plan to complete at least the top. I also have 3 quilt tops ready to quilt and some paperdoll fabric that I'm itching to make into fabric/paperdolls when the little girls are at their mom's house (3 days a week). This all starts on July 1...oh and hubby just left on a 7 day work trip...I'm counting the days/hours/minutes to the 1st of July...
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