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Old 07-01-2010, 05:22 AM
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Join Date: Sep 2007
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I'm having some great luck and also some weird things happen this year. I've put up about 85 ears of corn so far and the later corn crop is coming along nicely. We've been eating tomatoes for a few weeks and this morning I picked about a half a bucket (for the 1st they will oerwhelm us soon)..I've picked, put up and given away quite a bit of yellow squash and the cucs are putting out really well. The squash is dying now due to heat, but thats typical.

The weird thing is this...the green beans are LOADED with blooms...I mean LOADED...but no beans...whats up with that??? I have picked enough to have 1 mess (thats Southern for 1 pot full)...since then I've picked maybe 3 beans each day. :?:
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