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Old 07-02-2010, 12:54 PM
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Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Illinois
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Originally Posted by bluestarmom
WOW!!! so very neat..... would you come to my house? I have self packaged projects that I am "making for myself" but the minute I pick something up, my eye slides over to something else that all of a sudden seems on intent of having me pick it up and push the others to the side. I have more projects "to the side" then I have sides to push them. And that includes pillow cases. I have a set of 400 thread sheets and I had found the perfect fabrics to make that second set of sheets to coordinate with the plains that comes with it. Unfortunately the new sheets finally got used after sitting for 5 months waitign for the matching pillow cases. I will admit that I have my fabric stash fairly under control. At least until I start picking up more that I absolutely have to have for that ONE quilt I want to make. Not sure what the ONE quilt is anymore, but I think we have done that within our little minds on occasions. I will say this and not in a pity party way, for whatever my quilter skilss are or will ever be, it has been the one thing that has me keep keep my sanity, me with two brain surgeries, my daughter with critial health issues and a son in Iraq for two tours, all this within less then a ten year period. Ny family teases me about getting me into a intervention program for overly stocked stashes, but each of them know what quilting is in my life. So I continue to have those special things I have at the top of my list which consists of no bottom of the lists anymore. I take my quilting seriously but not to the point of being anal, but to the point of wanting to be able to accomplish something from my heart to hand to another. This is a fantastic group that is extremely worth while being involved with and I . IMHO, think this is a great place for those who cannot get out very much to be able to learn, enjoy and visit. Back to my Sulky with another new needle and a "can do this" atitude. hugs, blue
My hat is off to you! And also to your son. Please tell them "thank you" for. I appreciate our men and women in the military and am grateful for all I have today.

I think you have the right mind set. What is to be done is minor to what is done and given with love.

Thank you
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