Old 07-03-2010, 10:36 PM
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Join Date: Feb 2010
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Coping and going through the process of grief makes us stronger when we finally get through it. I know, I lost my Mom and 4 months later lost my DH. My two nieces, daughters of my older sister, put me through h_____ after my DH died. I had to take them to court for a protective order. There were many times I wandered if I would be sane in the end. It's been 5 years and I am almost my old self and more independent than I thought I would be. All this is because my Lord Jesus loved me so much He saved me 60 years ago and has kept me in His loving care ever since, even when I didn't know it. Six months after DH's death, my daughter and I were in a car wreck that by all statistics we shouldn't have walked away from according to the Hwy. patrol officer. I could feel His presence in the car with me, as it took them a half hour to get me out. I had bad bruises and my daughter had a broken ankle and pinkie.
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