Old 07-05-2010, 06:08 AM
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Bikini Bottom
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Originally Posted by Darcene
I hope that everyone here had a great July 4th weekend....mine has be great and will continue through tomorrow with some of my children staying over....DS3 brought home the Singer 99k that I bought on an online yard sale and DS2 (not to be outdone by younger brother) surprised me with a machine he picked up at an auction....turns out to be a Singer 128...both are in electric and in cabinets....they will need a good cleaning and oiling but they are turning freely and are such cute 3/4 size machines.....now, I just need to find bobbins for the 128.....

Do any of you have either of these machines and what do I need to know about them? I've not worked with the elongated bobbin and shuttle and I could use some direction and hints on treating the machine right....

Happy dancing in rainy SW Kansas this early morning,

Sounds like you did good over the weekend Darcene!! I dont have a 99 but its a 3/4 Singer 66 essentially. Class 66 bobbins are the ones it needs and the Machine will run smooth as silk when you get it cleaned and oiled up. Is it in a cabinet? If it is that is a REAL good thing because they are somewhat rare and when you do find them they are quite pricey. Most of the 3/4 machines like the 99 and 128 were portables.

The 128 is the one I have and its a wonderful machine but in my opinion it was meant for a treadle or handcrank. But if your machine is in a cabinet that your good. As a portable the darn thing will almost beat itself to death be cause it is a VS machine. But you will love the little thing you cant help it.

The bobbins are the long ones and you can find them at your local Hancocks or JoAnns. if you need some then let me know and I can send a few to you to keep you busy for a while! Also when you wind the bobbin you put the end of the thread under one end of the bobbin and then you follow the thread pat back to the spool pin and your off.

You can find the manuals for the machines in PDF here.


Just put in the model number and grab up the freebies!!

And if you cant find the 99 manual get the 66 manual and it will work for your machine.

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