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Old 05-23-2007, 05:40 AM
Carla P
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I showed your pics to my B-I-L last night when they stopped by. He couldn't believe those were taken just the other morning- I had to point out the date stamp on them (He is legally blind). He said just looking at them made him cold all over!!

So, by my calculations, by the time you get packed, load up all necessary quilting supplies, drive the 1,300ish miles, and stop at a couple of quilt shops along the way you should arrive just in time for a warm holiday weekend. :D

Hang in there... if you can. I now see, seriously, how quilting became so prevalent in the North. I had NO IDEA the winters are so long & brutal!! :shock: Plus, what a great way to pass the time!! You can always tell your DH we have hunting in the South as well... :D
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